About Us

Our Story

MstSage Entertainment is an up and coming conservative gaming and entertainment community. Originally started in 2006 (might have been 2005 memory is a little hazy). After the founder Kenneth Schuetz (Rane MstSage) went into the military in 2007. The project went on hiatus for a short while.

Currently MstSage Entertainment is managed and organized by Kenneth (Rane), Rek and Merides (Rek's Wife). We have been playing games for years and we understand the Conservative Leaning Average American Gamer (and Entertainment Consumer). Our goal is to hhelp bring the voice of the Conservative who enjoy Entertainment back into an industry that has left them behind and made them a sad joke of an opinion. We are an equal player in this industry and shouldn't be treated as a joke. Our opinions matter!

We consider our place a key role in the war on entertainment and will not be silent. If you agree that Conservative views have a place in the entertainment and gaming industry, welcome to the fight! So whether you agree and pull up a chair, or if you are filled with anger for us and running for the door, welcome!

With the dirty out of the way, between our Facebook page and Website we will be writing articles, linking interesting stories, memes, and great commentary on the latest events in the gaming and entertainment industry. It's a great way to start your (workday?)) morning by checking us out. Just keep in mind this is "not" a safe space and we don't pull any punches.

Thank you for checking our MstSage Entertainment and we hope you will be staying with us for the forseeable future.